Understanding how we as humans make decisions is an important part of marketing. Behavioral economics is the study of decision making and can give keen insight into buyer behavior and help to shape your marketing mix. Marketers can tap into Behavioral Economics to create environments that nudge people towards their products and services, to conduct better market research and analyze their marketing mix.
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Elasticity | Definition Minute | Behavioral Economics in Marketing Podcast
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Elasticity | Elasticity is an important concept in neoclassical economic theory that allows economists to measure the responsiveness or sensitivity of an economic variable in response to a change in another economic variable such as the measure of the change in quantity demanded of an item relative to changes in other factors such as the price.
📎 Definition Minute is a new subset of the Behavioral Economics in Marketing podcast. In these mini-episodes, I will define economic theories, in a minute or two. The topics will be review, introductory or discrete in nature.
Behavioral Economics in Marketing Podcast | Understanding how we as humans make decisions is an important part of marketing. Behavioral economics is the study of decision-making and can give keen insight into buyer behavior and help to shape your marketing mix. Marketers can tap into Behavioral Economics to create environments that nudge people towards their products and services, to conduct better market research and analyze their marketing mix.
Sandra Thomas-Comenole | Host | Marketing professional with over 15 years of experience leading marketing and sales teams and a rigorously quantitative Master’s degree in economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Check out her Linkedin profile here: Sandra Thomas-Comenole, Head of Marketing, Travel & Tourism
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Inoculation theory | Definition Minute | Behavioral Economics in Marketing Podcast
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Inoculation theory | As the name suggests, the theory employs medical inoculation as an explanatory analogy as inoculation theory is a model for building resistance to persuasion attempts through pre-exposure to weaker counter arguments. In this way, Inoculation theory is unique. Instead of offering ways to enhance persuasion, inoculation offers resistance to persuasion.
📎 Definition Minute is a new subset of the Behavioral Economics in Marketing podcast. In these mini-episodes, I will define economic theories, in a minute or two. The topics will be review, introductory or discrete in nature.
Behavioral Economics in Marketing Podcast | Understanding how we as humans make decisions is an important part of marketing. Behavioral economics is the study of decision-making and can give keen insight into buyer behavior and help to shape your marketing mix. Marketers can tap into Behavioral Economics to create environments that nudge people towards their products and services, to conduct better market research and analyze their marketing mix.
Sandra Thomas-Comenole | Host | Marketing professional with over 15 years of experience leading marketing and sales teams and a rigorously quantitative Master’s degree in economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Check out her Linkedin profile here: Sandra Thomas-Comenole, Head of Marketing, Travel & Tourism
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Framing effect | Definiton Minute | Behavioral Economics in Marketing Podcast
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Framing effect | In behavioral economics, framing effect refers to the principle that information is not static, but fluid based on how, when and where it is communicated. In other words, people's decisions tend to be affected by the way in which the choices are framed through words, body language, tone, presentation and placement.
📎 Definition Minute is a new subset of the Behavioral Economics in Marketing podcast. In these mini-episodes, I will define economic theories, in a minute or two. The topics will be review, introductory or discrete in nature.
Behavioral Economics in Marketing Podcast | Understanding how we as humans make decisions is an important part of marketing. Behavioral economics is the study of decision-making and can give keen insight into buyer behavior and help to shape your marketing mix. Marketers can tap into Behavioral Economics to create environments that nudge people towards their products and services, to conduct better market research and analyze their marketing mix.
Sandra Thomas-Comenole | Host | Marketing professional with over 15 years of experience leading marketing and sales teams and a rigorously quantitative Master’s degree in economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Check out her Linkedin profile here: Sandra Thomas-Comenole, Head of Marketing, Travel & Tourism
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Clustering | Definition Minute | Behavioral Economics in Marketing Podcast
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Clustering | Clustering is a psychological term that is defined as the tendency for items to be consistently grouped together in the course of recall.
📎 Definition Minute is a new subset of the Behavioral Economics in Marketing podcast. In these mini-episodes, I will define economic theories, in a minute or two. The topics will be review, introductory or discrete in nature.
Behavioral Economics in Marketing Podcast | Understanding how we as humans make decisions is an important part of marketing. Behavioral economics is the study of decision-making and can give keen insight into buyer behavior and help to shape your marketing mix. Marketers can tap into Behavioral Economics to create environments that nudge people towards their products and services, to conduct better market research and analyze their marketing mix.
Sandra Thomas-Comenole | Host | Marketing professional with over 15 years of experience leading marketing and sales teams and a rigorously quantitative Master’s degree in economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Check out her Linkedin profile here: Sandra Thomas-Comenole, Head of Marketing, Travel & Tourism
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
In this episode, I discuss the correlation of Dual Process Theory and Status Quo Bias.
Behavioral Economics in Marketing Podcast | Understanding how we as humans make decisions is an important part of marketing. Behavioral economics is the study of decision-making and can give keen insight into buyer behavior and help to shape your marketing mix. Marketers can tap into Behavioral Economics to create environments that nudge people towards their products and services, to conduct better market research and analyze their marketing mix.
Sandra Thomas-Comenole | Host | Marketing professional with over 15 years of experience leading marketing and sales teams and a rigorously quantitative Master’s degree in economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Check out her Linkedin profile here: Sandra Thomas-Comenole, Head of Marketing, Travel & Tourism
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Dual process theory | Dual process theory is a psychological term that describes the two different modes or systems of thinking.
📎 Definition Minute is a new subset of the Behavioral Economics in Marketing podcast. In these mini-episodes, I will define economic theories, in a minute or two. The topics will be review, introductory or discrete in nature.
Behavioral Economics in Marketing Podcast | Understanding how we as humans make decisions is an important part of marketing. Behavioral economics is the study of decision-making and can give keen insight into buyer behavior and help to shape your marketing mix. Marketers can tap into Behavioral Economics to create environments that nudge people towards their products and services, to conduct better market research and analyze their marketing mix.
Sandra Thomas-Comenole | Host | Marketing professional with over 15 years of experience leading marketing and sales teams and a rigorously quantitative Master’s degree in economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Check out her Linkedin profile here: Sandra Thomas-Comenole, Head of Marketing, Travel & Tourism
Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Bounded rationality theory | Bounded rationality theory of economic behavior states that people make judgments based on a limited amount of information and their cognitive capacity. In other words, Bounded rationality is a decision-making mechanism in which we try to satisfy rather than optimize our goals. Instead of seeking the optimal decision, we choose a decision that will suffice.
📎 Definition Minute is a new subset of the Behavioral Economics in Marketing podcast. In these mini-episodes, I will define economic theories, in a minute or two. The topics will be review, introductory or discrete in nature.
Behavioral Economics in Marketing Podcast | Understanding how we as humans make decisions is an important part of marketing. Behavioral economics is the study of decision-making and can give keen insight into buyer behavior and help to shape your marketing mix. Marketers can tap into Behavioral Economics to create environments that nudge people towards their products and services, to conduct better market research and analyze their marketing mix.
Sandra Thomas-Comenole | Host | Marketing professional with over 15 years of experience leading marketing and sales teams and a rigorously quantitative Master’s degree in economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Check out her Linkedin profile here: Sandra Thomas-Comenole, Head of Marketing, Travel & Tourism
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Homo economicus | Homo economicus, or economic man, is a theoretical abstraction that neoclassical economists use to describe a perfectly rational human being.
📎 Definition Minute is a new subset of the Behavioral Economics in Marketing podcast. In these mini-episodes, I will define economic theories, in a minute or two. The topics will be review, introductory or discrete in nature.
Behavioral Economics in Marketing Podcast | Understanding how we as humans make decisions is an important part of marketing. Behavioral economics is the study of decision-making and can give keen insight into buyer behavior and help to shape your marketing mix. Marketers can tap into Behavioral Economics to create environments that nudge people towards their products and services, to conduct better market research and analyze their marketing mix.
Sandra Thomas-Comenole | Host | Marketing professional with over 15 years of experience leading marketing and sales teams and a rigorously quantitative Master’s degree in economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Check out her Linkedin profile here: Sandra Thomas-Comenole, Head of Marketing, Travel & Tourism
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Ceteris Paribus | Definition Minute | Behavioral Economics in Marketing Podcast
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Ceteris Paribus | Ceteris paribus is a Latin phrase that means "all other things being equal or "holding other things constant." In economics, ceteris paribus is a statement about the causal, empirical or logical relationship between two variables, phenomena or states of affair when all other variables, phenomena or states of affair are held constant.
📎 Definition Minute is a new subset of the Behavioral Economics in Marketing podcast. In these mini-episodes, I will define economic theories, in a minute or two. The topics will be review, introductory or discrete in nature.
Behavioral Economics in Marketing Podcast | Understanding how we as humans make decisions is an important part of marketing. Behavioral economics is the study of decision-making and can give keen insight into buyer behavior and help to shape your marketing mix. Marketers can tap into Behavioral Economics to create environments that nudge people towards their products and services, to conduct better market research and analyze their marketing mix.
Sandra Thomas-Comenole | Host | Marketing professional with over 15 years of experience leading marketing and sales teams and a rigorously quantitative Master’s degree in economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Check out her Linkedin profile here: Sandra Thomas-Comenole, Head of Marketing, Travel & Tourism
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Status Quo Bias | Definition Minute | Behavioral Economics in Marketing Podcast
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Status Quo Bias | Status Quo Bias is a cognitive bias that is based in emotion whereby an individual is presented with the choice of switching from status quo or maintaining status quo weighs the potential losses of switching more heavily than the potential gains of switching.
📎 Definition Minute is a new subset of the Behavioral Economics in Marketing podcast. In these mini-episodes, I will define economic theories, in a minute or two. The topics will be review, introductory or discrete in nature.
Behavioral Economics in Marketing Podcast | Understanding how we as humans make decisions is an important part of marketing. Behavioral economics is the study of decision-making and can give keen insight into buyer behavior and help to shape your marketing mix. Marketers can tap into Behavioral Economics to create environments that nudge people towards their products and services, to conduct better market research and analyze their marketing mix.
Sandra Thomas-Comenole | Host | Marketing professional with over 15 years of experience leading marketing and sales teams and a rigorously quantitative Master’s degree in economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Check out her Linkedin profile here: Sandra Thomas-Comenole, Head of Marketing, Travel & Tourism